
Game Review: Tales Of Berseria

Tales of Berseria now, that a game I didn’t expect to like as much as I did. But let’s go back in time a bit before this review and give the context with which I discovered this game. We’re back in July 2016 the new season of Anime just began and this is the second week of the season and I just downloaded the latest episode of Tales of Zestiria the X, or so I thought… Truth is the second episode was actually a promotion episode made of Tales of Berseria for its Japanese release. After this episode, I remember thinking that it would be pretty nice if this would continue, sadly it didn’t but no matter I went on steam that day and put Tales of Berseria on my wishlist. Also, the moment we saw Velvet Crowe cheer up Sora in a dream had to be one of my favourite moment of that anime! The anime wasn’t great but I watched it in the hope to see the Tales of Berseria Characters again! Fast-forwarding to this winter 2018, I saw tales of Berseria with a 50% off and had around a 100$ Canadian...

Skyrim Modding Progress

I realised I haven't had anything interesting in a while. So I'll at the very least add my progress here. I did the Phoenix Flavor Guide and wasn't impressed with the result of the visual guide. So I rebuilt everything with the Yashed and Lexy LOTD guide I must say I appreciate the look much more. I have few things I'm not sure about but it's going well. I'm on the fence about cathedral weather. But I can say that Cathedral Landscape is a big no for me, I'm a Veydosebrum guy all the way. I've tried a few ENB and lighting setup I'm preety sure I'm going with ELE and Relighting Skyrim. Luminosity lack of actual light source in some occasion isn't what I'm looking for and ELFX compatibility issues are annoying me. I'm rebuilding the physical appearance today, so we'll see I'm getting there slowly.

A Wall of Warcraft

I've been a Warcraft Universe fan since Warcraft II. So, me and Warcraft goes back quite a few years back. I've been looking for a good way to show my interest of Warcraft for quite a few years now and was never satisfied on what I found as merchandise for exposing my Warcraft love. A few months back I've found on amazon some cardboard picture frame coming back from Mist of Pandaria expansion. And decided to buy the paperback version for around 24 Canadian Dollars and I think it turn out pretty good! Those were 24 picture from official art of the expansions since Vanilla, I end up buying a few aluminium picture frames at IKEA.

Manhwa Review: Close as Neighbors

I'm not usually a big fan of most adult mangas or stories, as a general rule, I tried to keep myself away from them not because I don't like adult themes stories but because I tend to take them to heart and find myself feeling bad for days after I finish one. The drama, in general, tends to affect me a lot so I end up reading and watching more fantasy stuff to keep myself from feeling down for weeks after reading. Then again that doesn't work all that well. Fantasy stuff can be as heartbreaking when the author kills off your favorite character as any tear-jerking drama of our beloved era. Back to the main, I found about this manhwa by pure luck on my Facebook thread. Saw a link to it in my journal and read 2 chapters before getting locked as I wasn't on a free website. Found the manhwa again on another website and read it up to chapter 43 only to see that I was lacking the last 9 chapters of the series. So I searched around the missing chapter on a third website. ...

Frenchies Eternal Palace HM 8/8

This week was quite satisfactory as we finally managed to kill Queen Azshara after a month of tries and way to many wipes. That bring to it's end our progression until the next raid come out. And as the next patch is 8.2.5 I don't expect any new raids before this winter. So farming mode is getting on and playtime will slow for the next weeks/months. We'll still continue to farm the raid and do some Mythic + with my usual group of friends. Might manage to make it to another score of 1300 this season again! My RaiderIO: We're pretty happy about the result so far, I do hope we have some good time coming up for BFA with the news patches coming later this year. Also I'm looking forward for the reveal of the next expansion at the next Blizzcon! Hope we see something good.

What's new and what's next?

I haven't kept this blog up to date lately and decide to give this small passion of mine a new way to live. My old blog was more a programming project than a usable solution for this media. So I moved everything I made previously to Blogger and will use this platform from now on. I know probably no one will read what I write nor am I any good of a writer but this give me a way to express myself so I will continue doing on from now on. I had quite a few busy months lately and kind of overloaded myself with trying to build a brand new blog from scratch without all the time I had back in university. So I decided to take the easy way out and focus on what I really want to do instead of what I force myself to do. This give me the time to make a bit of content for this blog. I'm no professional journalist but if I find something I deem worth talking about I'll be sure to write down my thoughts. So what's next then? For this week I have a Manhwa review for the very good ...

Frenchies Eternal Palace HM 7/8

This is a status update on the state of Frenchies on Eternal Palace. We're cuyrrently stucked on the last phase of Azshara Heroic Difficulty for 3 or 4 weeks now and progress is quite slow but it's coming together more and more. I have good hope for this week! Some people are getting tired of the raid as we're currently in farming mode on the first sevens bosses of the raid but gear is what will make difference in the end. The normal mode of the raid was fairly easy and once Lady Ashvane went down in heroic mode the rest of the raid has gone down fairly well. We're still doing our Mythic+ run every weeks and just recently got the season 3 feat of strength for clearing all dungeon during the timer in +10. We're up to get our score up a bit but we got a long way to go before the end of the current patch as we expect nothing before the Blizzcon which is schedule the 1st of November. I'm currently item level 441, which is pretty good for the effort...

Game Review: Enderal Forgotten Stories

Enderal forgotten stories, this is ought to be a wasp nest I’m about to kick because I’ve been putting back this review for months now. For a bit of context, Enderal been on my list of the game to play for years now and since the long announced expansion released back in January I gave it a go and played around 60 hours or so. I must say it’s a game I tried to like but I couldn’t get into it and I feel quite sad about it because I saw a few let’s plays, Gopher and Zero Period Production to be more precise, and the people praising this mod when release it’s was like a new era of Skyrim modding then I tried to play it around 2 hours in I got bored closed it to never touch it again. That was a few years ago so I gave it another chance with this new expansion tried the new enchanting tree and God forgive me but I think, there wasn’t any game in years that made me feel so forced to play it. I forced myself to play it and to like to play it but I just ended up hating playing it in the e...

Frenchies COS 2/2 (HM)

So, it's been a while since I last wrote about it. But we've finished Jaina a fews days before Crubicle of the Storm released in Heroic Difficulty and since then been working on Clearing the new Raid. While Normal Mode took us around an hour an a half. Heroic Difficulty took us a few week. We're happy to be done with this raid honestly, while the fights were kind of fun. I think BoD was much more fun as a raid then CoS. So we're now in farming mode! We'll be farming BoD as most loot in CoS is completly useless to us and we don't want to spend our wiping on boss for gear we don't really want or need. I'll probably won't make any progression post for our Raid until the 8.2 patch which is still pretty far away. I've been working my way through Enderal Forgotten Stories for around a month now. I still have a while before finishing it but I'll definetly cover it as I sank nearly 70 hours in since I started. I'll be posting an update on my ...

Frenchies Battle Of Dazal'Alor 8/9 HM

I haven't written an update in a while so let's wrap this up! Frenchies is currently on Jaina Proudmoore. This is a hectic fight but I believe we can make her fall next week! Especially since our Main Tank will be back from vacations. Our best try this week was 20%, so we have still 15% left to down her still we can see all the phase at the moment which helps a lot!  We'll need to work on the Blockade fight as well. We're killing him when he cast it's soft enrage... This is nerve-racking, to be honest! But hey he died... Our raid is pretty stable so far and I'm currently at 410 ilvl. I haven't much else to say, but I have a pretty big project sitting on the side for later this year as I'm learning more about web programming. Javascript and JS library being my bug focus, I will do an official announcement once it will be more on the concrete side of things.