
Showing posts from June, 2019

Game Review: Enderal Forgotten Stories

Enderal forgotten stories, this is ought to be a wasp nest I’m about to kick because I’ve been putting back this review for months now. For a bit of context, Enderal been on my list of the game to play for years now and since the long announced expansion released back in January I gave it a go and played around 60 hours or so. I must say it’s a game I tried to like but I couldn’t get into it and I feel quite sad about it because I saw a few let’s plays, Gopher and Zero Period Production to be more precise, and the people praising this mod when release it’s was like a new era of Skyrim modding then I tried to play it around 2 hours in I got bored closed it to never touch it again. That was a few years ago so I gave it another chance with this new expansion tried the new enchanting tree and God forgive me but I think, there wasn’t any game in years that made me feel so forced to play it. I forced myself to play it and to like to play it but I just ended up hating playing it in the e...

Game Review: Tales Of Berseria

Tales of Berseria now, that a game I didn’t expect to like as much as I did. But let’s go back in time a bit before this review and give the context with which I discovered this game. We’re back in July 2016 the new season of Anime just began and this is the second week of the season and I just downloaded the latest episode of Tales of Zestiria the X, or so I thought… Truth is the second episode was actually a promotion episode made of Tales of Berseria for its Japanese release. After this episode, I remember thinking that it would be pretty nice if this would continue, sadly it didn’t but no matter I went on steam that day and put Tales of Berseria on my wishlist. Also, the moment we saw Velvet Crowe cheer up Sora in a dream had to be one of my favourite moment of that anime! The anime wasn’t great but I watched it in the hope to see the Tales of Berseria Characters again! Fast-forwarding to this winter 2018, I saw tales of Berseria with a 50% off and had around a 100$ Canadian...