Frenchies Battle OF Dazal'Alor Week Five 4/9 HM

Well, I did skip a week for the weekly report and I have no shame in blaming me playing the newest Bioware game Anthem. I'll post a review of the game once I'm done levelling to get a better feel of the endgame. Anyway, the weeklies report for now! We managed to clear up to the Fifth boss during week 4, Opulence took the most time and I end up the sole on the adds during the try that really mattered... The only time I died in one of the room... Well, I did saw the whole fight this week so not too bad I guess. Jade master has become a pretty clean kill now so I guess I was worrying for nothing! As for Gonk, the fight is pretty straightforward so we had no difficulty getting over it. Conclave of the Chosen is the first real wall we faced for this expansion, other than G'hunn but yeah that's a final boss while conclave isn't... We managed to get to the last phase with only Akunda left but we wipe each time. And as we wipe people get discouraged pretty fast t...