Frenchies Battle of Dazal'Alor Week One 7/9 NM

This is my first raid weekly report, this new raid is so far a load of funs for us. The news mechanics like on King Rastakhan Shadow World make moving at the right time to be a must, but doesn’t necessarily penalize low mobility classes that much it’s much more do what you have to do fight but the shadow world is a great way to spread the raid in 2, it can degenerate pretty fast though… Our favorite fight so far is High Tinker Mekkatorque, in normal it’s pretty easy but beyond the mechanics, the most important thing on this fight is communication. Calling the raid members in the bots and making sure you don’t step on anyone. Overall this is the most fun we had on a boss in months, we’re looking forward to the heroic mode of this boss as this look very fun! We’re currently stuck in the last phase of Stromwall Blockade, mechanics seem to have been tweaked since the beta and the buff doesn’t appear as we expect it to. Also, spreading the DPS evenly on the 2 boats to down both boss ...